long term visionHet
initiëren van verandering vanuit kwetsbaarheid, anders-zijn en samen-werken. setting up a network, generating (financial) support for projects to be initiated and realized. building a library, sharing knowledge and experience. not giving in to mediocracy, populism and political infringement in art. facilitating collaboration in art, adding meaning to beauty and vice versa. bydoor Het
mogelijk maken van vrije collaboratieve werken van interdisciplinaire kunst met
politiek en sociaal engagement en een zeer onafhankelijke houding. Make possible free and individual but collaborative works of interdisciplinary art, (contemporary music, literature, dance and visual arts) with political engagement and a very independent stance. Especially within Europe, but also connecting people from the EU with those from bordering (non-) European states. Statutes always trying to be in accordance with Hannah Arendt’s writings, John Berger’s drawings, Igor Stravinsky’s music. Having people in the Netherlands and Serbia to keep an eye on this and collaborate. Collaboration in a network of befriended foundations and artists in The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Slovenia, Serbia, Russia and hopefully, more to come. Setting up residencies and a small library. (the ceda i olgica foundation is inspired by čeda marinkov and olgica kirćanski) |